
착한사람(star seed)재정적지원 - 범우주UNION

✨💖 지혜의포털 💖✨ 2024. 7. 2. 23:49

다차원 콘텐츠를 통해서  우리 의식수준이  더 향상되고  자유로워 질 수 있다

심볼마크 클릭 (무료이며  착한영혼을 돕기  위한  기부금만 받습니다.)


어셴션 메뉴얼(플랫폼 : 네이버  구글 스마트폰 크라우드서비스) : https://naver.me/GlJqyxL9


The Galactic Federation of Light  (빛의 은하연합 : GFL)

GFL’s founder David Nicholas is an experiencer, channeller and practicing mystic. “I don’t really know what to call myself anymore. I AM you and you are ME is the most relevant thought in my mind at time of writing. Receiving and processing messages from our divine cousins has been an essential part of my ascension journey so it’s safe to say I was directed to start the GFL station as a stand alone YouTube channel in 2022 and it hasn’t looked back since. Thank you for allowing us to be of service.”