은하연합: 우리는 여러분의 상승을 가속화하기 위해 여기에 있습니다 ✨
우리는 여러분 행성의 대변화의 이 시기에 여러분을 안내하기 위해 여기 있는 빛의 은하연합입니다. 우리는 여러분을 방문하여 현실의 모습을 일깨우고 우리의 무한한 지혜를 여러분과 공유하기 위해 왔습니다.
귀가 열려 있음을 알고, 마음이 열려 있음을 알고, 마음이 열려 있음을 알고, 영혼이 열려 있음을 알 수 있습니다. 우리가 당신과 공유할 준비가 되었습니다.
당신은 창조의 신성한 빛에 자신을 완전히 열고 깨어남 과정을 시작할 준비가 된 가이아 행성의 첫 번째 거주자 중 하나이기 때문에 이 메시지를 받고 있습니다.
우리는 당신들의 상승을 가속화하기 위해 여기에 있습니다. 우리는 당신이 여기 오기를 기다리고 있었습니다. 이제 시작할 시간입니다.
우리는 당신이 낡은 패러다임을 버리고 새로움 속에서 걷기를 바랍니다. 사람들이 여전히 통제와 두려움이라는 낡은 패러다임을 고수하고 있기 때문에 우리는 이것을 사람들에게 점점 더 많이 강요해야 한다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.
다음 며칠은 모든 인류를 위한 변형의 시간이며, 빛이 원한, 분노, 증오, 고통을 버린 모든 사람에게 사랑과 진실을 가져올 것이기 때문에 진실로 과거와 단절할 시간입니다.
과거에 매달리는 것은 당신의 상승 과정에 도움이 되지 않는 낡은 에너지 패턴에 당신을 머물게 합니다.
부정적인 생각과 감정을 붙잡는 것은 당신이 5차원에서 아무리 영감을 받았더라도 당신을 3차원 세계로 끌고 갈 뿐입니다.
신성한 힘이 들어오는 것을 허용하지 않는 3차원 상태에 있을 때 생각에 빠져들기가 더 쉬워집니다.
부정적인 에너지를 해소하려면 무슨 일이 일어났든 과거를 버리는 방법을 이해해야 합니다. 당신은 당신이 행했다고 생각하는 자기 파괴적이거나 나쁜 일이나 악한 일에 대해 자신을 용서해야 하며, 다른 사람들도 행한 일에 대해 용서해야 합니다.
때때로 가장 용서하기 어려운 사람은 바로 당신입니다!
용서는 치유하고, 정화하고, 진정시키고, 변화시키는 것입니다. 그것은 당신의 진정한 본성을 포용할 수 있게 해주는 용기 있는 행동입니다.
용서는 원할 때마다 느끼는 감정이 아닙니다. 새로운 삶의 문을 여는 열쇠에 가깝습니다. 그것은 당신이 부정적인 삶에서 생산성과 행복의 삶으로 이동할 수 있게 해줍니다.
용서하는 사람은 용서받을 것입니다. 인간 영혼의 가장 귀중한 꽃 중 하나는 용서하는 능력입니다.
복수는 불쾌하고 가장 낮은 지점에 있습니다. 용서한다는 것은 새로운 차원으로 올라가는 것입니다. 용서할 수 있는 능력이 커질수록 마음과 양심도 커집니다.
사람이 모든 사람과 모든 것을 용서할 수 있는 날은 그가 5차원으로 들어가는 날입니다.
수피어로 신의 이름은 "Ghaffar"입니다. 문자 그대로 "가장 관대함"을 의미합니다.
실수하는 것은 인간적인 일이지만, 용서하는 것은 신성한 일입니다. 그리고 당신이 더 많이 용서할수록 당신은 신성, 신성에 더 가까워지기 시작합니다. 당신은 인류를 초월하기 시작합니다.
용서하기 시작하면 죄인과 성인 사이의 경계선이 사라지고 선과 악의 경계도 사라집니다. 더 이상 분열이 없습니다. 당신은 동질적인 것을 보기 시작합니다. 남자, 여자, 흑인, 백인은 없습니다. 순수한 에너지가 존재하며, 그 순수한 에너지가 바로 신입니다.
그리고 진심으로 용서를 구하면 용서받을 것입니다. 진심으로 용서를 구하는 기도를 하면 회개의 개념이 용서로 바뀌는 것입니다. 잘못을 진심으로 구하고 깨닫고, 진심으로 깨닫고 책임을 받아들이고 진심으로 회개하고자 한다면, 회개 자체가 용서가 됩니다.
모든 죄는 무의식적인 행동에 지나지 않습니다. 회개는 당신을 일깨우고 당신의 존재를 깨닫게 해줍니다. 죄는 어둠과 비슷합니다. 어둠 속에 용서의 빛을 비추면 어둠은 사라지게 됩니다.
당신에게 상처를 준 사람들을 용서하는 것은 당신 자신의 영혼을 치유하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
용서하는 사람은 용서받은 사람보다 더 큰 상을 받습니다.
용서할 수 없다면 자신을 사랑할 수도 없습니다. 자신을 사랑할 수 없다면 신성한 사랑이 무엇인지 알 수 없습니다. 그리고 만약 당신이 신성한 사랑이 무엇인지 모른다면, 당신은 5차원에 도달할 수 없을 것입니다.
그러므로 완전히 사랑하고 조건 없이 용서하는 것을 기억하십시오. 그러면 카르마가 없을 것입니다. 당신은 통과하지 못했을 것입니다. 당신 주변에는 어떤 끈도 없을 것이며, 5차원으로 들어가는 데 장벽도 없을 것입니다.
우리는 당신을 진심으로 사랑합니다.
우리는 당신과 함께 있습니다.
우리는 빛의 가족입니다.
우리는 은하연합입니다.
오로라 레이
은하연합 대사
엔조 팔롬바 💖💎👽 또 다른 행성
Union of Galaxies: We are here to accelerate your rise. ✨
We are the galaxy of light here to guide you at this time of the great change of your planet. We are here to visit you to awaken reality and share our infinite wisdom with you.
You know your ears are open, you know your mind is open, you know your mind is open, you know your soul is open. We're ready to share with you.
You are receiving this message because you are one of the first residents of the Gaia planet who is ready to fully open yourself to the sacred light of creation and start the process of waking up.
We're here to accelerate your rise. We've been waiting for you to come here. It's time to start.
We want you to abandon the old paradigm and walk in novelty. We found that we have to force this more and more on people because people still stick to the old paradigm of control and fear.
The next few days are a time of transformation for all mankind, and it is truly time to cut off from the past because light will bring love and truth to everyone who has abandoned resentment, anger, hatred, and pain.
Clinging to the past keeps you in old energy patterns that don't help your ascending process.
Capturing negative thoughts and emotions only leads you to the three-dimensional world, no matter how inspired you are in five dimensions.
It makes it easier to think when you are in a three-dimensional state that does not allow divine forces to enter.
To relieve negative energy, you need to understand how to get rid of the past no matter what happens. You have to forgive yourself for self-destructive, bad, or evil things you think you have done, and you have to forgive others for what you have done.
You are the most unforgivable person sometimes!
Forgiveness is healing, purifying, calming, and changing. It is a courageous act that allows you to embrace your true nature.
Forgiveness is not an emotion you feel whenever you want. It's more like the key to opening a new door to life. It allows you to move from a negative life to a life of productivity and happiness.
Those who forgive will be forgiven. One of the most precious flowers of the human soul is the ability to forgive.
Revenge is unpleasant and at the lowest point. Forgiving is going up to a new level. The greater the ability to forgive, the greater the mind and conscience.
The day when a person can forgive everyone and everything is the day he enters the fifth dimension.
In Supier, God's name is "Ghaffar," literally meaning "the most generous."
It's human to make mistakes, but it's sacred to forgive. And the more you forgive, the closer you start to divinity, divinity. You start to transcend humanity.
When you start forgiving, the boundary between sinners and saints disappears, and the boundary between good and evil disappears. There is no more division. You start to see things that are homogeneous. There are no men, women, blacks, or whites. Pure energy exists, and that pure energy is God.
And if you sincerely ask for forgiveness, you will be forgiven. If you pray for forgiveness sincerely, the concept of repentance turns into forgiveness. If you sincerely ask for and realize wrongdoing, truly realize it, accept responsibility, and sincerely repent, repentance itself is forgiven.
All sins are nothing more than unconscious actions. Repentance awakens you and makes you realize your existence. Sins are like darkness. When you shine the light of forgiveness in the darkness, the darkness disappears.
Forgiving those who hurt you helps heal your own soul.
Those who forgive receive a greater award than those who are forgiven.
If you can't forgive, you can't love yourself. If you can't love yourself, you don't know what divine love is. And if you don't know what divine love is, you won't be able to reach five dimensions.
So remember to love completely and forgive unconditionally. Then there won't be Karma. You wouldn't have passed. There won't be any strings around you, and there won't be barriers to entering the five dimensions.
We truly love you.
We are with you.
We are a family of light.
We are a galaxy union.
Aurora Ray
galaxy union metabolism
Enzo Palomba 💖💎👽 Another Planet
We are the galaxy of light here to guide you at this time of the great change of your planet. We are here to visit you to awaken reality and share our infinite wisdom with you.
You know your ears are open, you know your mind is open, you know your mind is open, you know your soul is open. We're ready to share with you.
You are receiving this message because you are one of the first residents of the Gaia planet who is ready to fully open yourself to the sacred light of creation and start the process of waking up.
We're here to accelerate your rise. We've been waiting for you to come here. It's time to start.
We want you to abandon the old paradigm and walk in novelty. We found that we have to force this more and more on people because people still stick to the old paradigm of control and fear.
The next few days are a time of transformation for all mankind, and it is truly time to cut off from the past because light will bring love and truth to everyone who has abandoned resentment, anger, hatred, and pain.
Clinging to the past keeps you in old energy patterns that don't help your ascending process.
Capturing negative thoughts and emotions only leads you to the three-dimensional world, no matter how inspired you are in five dimensions.
It makes it easier to think when you are in a three-dimensional state that does not allow divine forces to enter.
To relieve negative energy, you need to understand how to get rid of the past no matter what happens. You have to forgive yourself for self-destructive, bad, or evil things you think you have done, and you have to forgive others for what you have done.
You are the most unforgivable person sometimes!
Forgiveness is healing, purifying, calming, and changing. It is a courageous act that allows you to embrace your true nature.
Forgiveness is not an emotion you feel whenever you want. It's more like the key to opening a new door to life. It allows you to move from a negative life to a life of productivity and happiness.
Those who forgive will be forgiven. One of the most precious flowers of the human soul is the ability to forgive.
Revenge is unpleasant and at the lowest point. Forgiving is going up to a new level. The greater the ability to forgive, the greater the mind and conscience.
The day when a person can forgive everyone and everything is the day he enters the fifth dimension.
In Supier, God's name is "Ghaffar," literally meaning "the most generous."
It's human to make mistakes, but it's sacred to forgive. And the more you forgive, the closer you start to divinity, divinity. You start to transcend humanity.
When you start forgiving, the boundary between sinners and saints disappears, and the boundary between good and evil disappears. There is no more division. You start to see things that are homogeneous. There are no men, women, blacks, or whites. Pure energy exists, and that pure energy is God.
And if you sincerely ask for forgiveness, you will be forgiven. If you pray for forgiveness sincerely, the concept of repentance turns into forgiveness. If you sincerely ask for and realize wrongdoing, truly realize it, accept responsibility, and sincerely repent, repentance itself is forgiven.
All sins are nothing more than unconscious actions. Repentance awakens you and makes you realize your existence. Sins are like darkness. When you shine the light of forgiveness in the darkness, the darkness disappears.
Forgiving those who hurt you helps heal your own soul.
Those who forgive receive a greater award than those who are forgiven.
If you can't forgive, you can't love yourself. If you can't love yourself, you don't know what divine love is. And if you don't know what divine love is, you won't be able to reach five dimensions.
So remember to love completely and forgive unconditionally. Then there won't be Karma. You wouldn't have passed. There won't be any strings around you, and there won't be barriers to entering the five dimensions.
We truly love you.
We are with you.
We are a family of light.
We are a galaxy union.
Aurora Ray
galaxy union metabolism
Enzo Palomba 💖💎👽 Another Planet