문 🚪 ✨
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#생각 #격려
📷: 온라인 검색
Lιʋҽ Iɳʂριɾҽ߃
The Doors 🚪 ✨
There is a time to have the door open, and a time to have the door closed –
the goal is to master the balance;
the challenge, to practice doing the one we are most afraid to do.
For some, the door may be closed from the fear of being hurt,
For others, the door may be open from the fear of hurting others.
And there are many doors.
It takes great courage for the one with an open door to close it, as it does for the one with a closed door to open it.
But we have a great ally and motivator to help us: Love.
It is in moving beyond the fear to open or close a door, and operating from a place of love, that we may finally find the very thing that has been eluding us for so long –
to have a whole new world open up to us, and perhaps an unexpected but rather fond remembrance of another time when the doors were being mastered well, and fear had been overcome with Love.
#thoughts #encouragement
📷: online search
Lιʋҽ Iɳʂριɾҽԃ