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평화, 사랑, 행복

by ✨💖 지혜의포털 💖✨ 2023. 11. 25.

마음의 평화, 마음의 사랑, 관계의 행복을 유지하십시오.  상황이 어떠하든 내버려 두되, 결코 행복을 놓지 마십시오.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Keep peace in the mind, love in the heart and happiness in relationships. No matter what the situation is, let it go, but never let your happiness go.

#깨달음, #하나님,  #부처님, #예수님, #공자, #노자, #아인쉬타인,  #신은죽었다, #니체,  #인공지능, #AI,  #영성, #명상, #공중부양, #UFO,  #최첨단기술, #지혜의 포털, #휴거,  #승천,  #천국, #지옥, #아마겟돈,#게놈 , #Enlightenment, #God, #Buddha, #Jesus, #Confucius, #Lao Tzu, #Einstein, #God is dead, #Nietzsche, #Artificial Intelligence, #AI, #Spirituality, #Meditation, #Levitation, #UFO, #Cutting edge Technology, #Portal of Wisdom, #Rapture, #Ascension, #Heaven, #Hell, #Armageddon, #Genome